April 16, 2013 - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Election-Year Advocacy:‎ Maintaining Your Nonprofit's Clear Message in Cloudy Legal Seas

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Venable LLP / Webinar
575 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004

Compliance Tips for Your Nonprofit's Advocacy and Electoral Efforts

Update: This event has already occurred. Please click above to listen to and view the recorded webinar, click here to view presentation materials from the event, and visit our Venable LLP Nonprofit YouTube channel to listen to and view all of our the recorded webinars on nonprofit legal topics.

The 2012 election is now behind us, so it is time to focus on your advocacy efforts. But, with major state and local elections this year, and the 2014 mid-terms fast approaching, your nonprofit organization has to quickly get ready to be on the political field as well. This program will help you get ready for both.

  • Political Giving
    -Learn how to maximize PAC receipts and make sure that you are following all of the FEC’s rules.
    -Learn how to use the PAC in state elections or where you can simply make corporate contributions.
  • Independent Expenditures
    -The story has been all about huge ad buys by Super PACs, but your nonprofit can have a large impact through much smaller independent expenditures.
    -What do you have to disclose if you do independent expenditures?
    -What are your members thinking about independent expenditures and will they let you use their membership dues to fund them?
    -What has to be disclosed?
  • What your 501(c)(3) can do without intervening in an election
    -Candidate questionnaires, voter guides, and candidate forums are all lawful ways to be involved.
    -How can individual officers and other leaders of the organization get involved in electoral politics without jeopardizing the organization’s tax-exempt status?
  • Lobbying Disclosure
    -What is required under the federal rules and what are the best practices to help us withstand an audit?
    -What if my organization is active in more than one state? How do I register and report? How do we track time and expenses for reporting purposes?
  • Lobbying Tax Issues
    -501(c)(3) organizations are limited in the amounts they can spend on lobbying.
    -Funding from private foundations for lobbying can be tricky.
    -501(c)(6) associations have to disclose to their members what percentage of membership dues are nondeductible as business expenses. How does this relate to my lobbying disclosure?
  • Gift Rules
    -Having officials attend widely attended events, receptions and charitable events.
    -Travel, fly-ins and informational materials.

Ronald M. Jacobs, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP
Lawrence H. Norton, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP
Janice M. Ryan, Esq., Associate, Venable LLP