April 14, 2015 - 3:00 PM ET

"Interacting with State and Local Governments: What Your Nonprofit ‎Needs to Know about Lobbying and Gift Rules"

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If your nonprofit interacts with state and local governments, it is important to remember that they have their own lobbying disclosure and gift and ethics rules. State lobbying laws vary widely – what is lobbying in one state is not lobbying in another – and gift rules in one state may require disclosure of what would be illegal in another state. State laws in these areas change frequently, often based on the most recent scandal. Learn some of the common issues to consider when determining whether you need to register or report in a state and learn some of the common themes in gift and ethics laws so you can understand whether an event, meal, travel, or gift is permissible.

Ronald M. Jacobs, Esq., Partner and Co-Chair of the Political Law Practice, Venable LLP

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