WASHINGTON, DC (October 28, 2009) – Venable LLP announced today that Brian L. Schwalb, a partner in Venable’s Washington, DC office, has been named a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in America.
Schwalb has a general civil trial practice representing businesses and individuals in real estate, partnership, trust and estate, tax, employment, contract, fraud, business tort, breach of fiduciary duty and other types of commercial disputes.
Schwalb is the eleventh attorney currently practicing at the firm to be honored by the prestigious organization. Other Venable named American College of Trial Lawyers fellows include former U.S. Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti and Venable Chairman James L. Shea as well as Venable attorneys James K. Archibald, William D. Coston, William D. Dolan III, James E. Gray, Paul F. Kemp, Bruce R. Parker, Paul F. Strain and Gerard Treanor. Several Venable alumna and alumni, including members of the federal judiciary, have also been inducted into the College.
Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only and only after careful investigation, to experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality. Lawyers must have a minimum of fifteen years trial experience before they can be considered for Fellowship.
Membership in the College cannot exceed one per cent of the total lawyer population of any state or province. There are currently approximately 5,729 members in the United States and Canada, including active Fellows, Emeritus Fellows, Judicial Fellows (those who ascended to the bench after their induction) and Honorary Fellows.
The College strives to improve and elevate the standards of trial practice, the administration of justice and the ethics of the trial profession. Qualified lawyers are called to Fellowship in the College from all branches of trial practice. They are carefully selected from among those who customarily represent plaintiffs in civil cases and those who customarily represent defendants, those who prosecute individuals accused of crime and those who defend them. The College is thus able to speak with a balanced voice on important issues affecting the legal profession and the administration of justice.
Schwalb received his J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School, and his A.B., magna cum laude, from Duke University.
Note: An American Lawyer top 100 law firm, Venable LLP has attorneys practicing in all areas of corporate and business law, complex litigation, intellectual property and government affairs. Venable serves corporate, institutional, governmental, nonprofit and individual clients throughout the U.S. and around the world from its headquarters in Washington, D.C. and offices in California, Maryland, New York and Virginia.