Venable partner Ron Jacobs was quoted in The Hill on July 29, 2012 on an advisory request to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to soften the red line between federal candidates’ fundraising committees and super-PACs. The request presents the FEC with four options to consider including two which would allow a federal candidate’s campaign committee to coordinate with a super-PAC or nonprofit 501(c)(4) to create a joint fundraising committee.
Commenting on the advisory request, Jacobs said “the decision presented to the FEC would not change the rules that permit candidates from soliciting directly for super-PACs.” Jacobs noted that fears of candidates asking for donations beyond the federal limit are overblown, saying the groups seeking the FEC opinion are “pushing an envelope, but not an unreasonable envelope.” Jacobs added that outside groups will likely “be doing most of the fundraising,” but without a candidate’s signature, supporters will realize candidates are not them to exceed federal contribution limits.