Venable’s 2012 animated holiday card was recently honored with a Silver Telly Award. The Telly is one of the most sought-after awards by creative industry leaders, from large international firms to local production companies and advertising agencies. Multiple winners were selected from more than 12,000 entries based on high standards of merit in two categories, silver and bronze, with silver being the highest honor.
The card also won two Platinum Hermes Creative Awards, for both the print and animated versions of the card. Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional advertising materials and programs, and emerging technologies. Entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, graphic design shops, production companies, web and digital creators and freelancers around the world.
The 2012 animated card honored the Harmony Program which provides daily after school music lessons to children from economically disadvantaged communities in the New York City area.