(Cool) Progeny, a family-focused magazine for the Baltimore area, recently highlighted Stacie Tobin and her fellow recipients of the Distinguished Women's Award from the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland.
The magazine's article opened with a quote from Stacie's acceptance speech at the 38th Annual Girl Scouts of Central Maryland's Distinguished Women’s Celebration that was held on April 18, 2018. As an honoree, Stacie was given the opportunity to have an area Girl Scout "shadow" her for a day and then join her for the event. In her speech, Stacie encouraged the Girl Scouts in attendance by saying, "Today you are Shadow Girls. But tomorrow, be the light."
The article then went on to profile both Stacie and her Shadow Girl Abigail Brannon and shared details of their day together. About the experience, Stacie told the publication, "I hope I was able to teach her to be open to learn from colleagues, learn from clients, and just learn as she goes."