On April 17, 2019, Lee Brenner and Susan Hollander were recognized by the Daily Journal in its "Top Intellectual Property Lawyers" for 2019.
Brenner's work in media and entertainment law has included high-stakes cases involving copyright, idea submission, defamation, and First Amendment matters.
"People believe in their bones that a story is their brainchild, but I'm finding more and more that when you take a step back there are innumerable shows that have all done the same storyline. Under the Copyright Act, we're supposed to inspire each other. Ideas are free for the taking. There is a tension between protection for an author's expression and no protection for ideas in general," said Brenner.
For decades, Hollander has specialized in protecting big businesses from trademark infringement by defending her clients from confusing imitations that hurt their brands.
"I think in all trademark cases, your most vital hurdle is to show that there is going to be confusion as to affiliation between the brands, which can hurt sale and dilute the brand," she said.