January 15, 2021

Daily Business Review Quotes Allison Day on Her Personal Experience and Career in Bankruptcy

2 min

On January 15, 2021, the Daily Business Review quoted Allison Day on what it is like to be part of a failing business and how that experience kickstarted her career as a bankruptcy attorney.

According to the article, Allison Day had never considered a career in bankruptcy litigation until she was unwillingly thrust into it, having gotten involved in a business that didn't work out. But after watching her bankruptcy attorney settle her case, she was inspired to work in the industry.

At the beginning of her legal career, Day became an in-house counsel with a failing business. "As with many things, it was too good to be true," Day said. "We had basically a used car salesman running a business, and all of a sudden, we were in financial difficulties."

A Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding ensued as the group found a buyer willing to take over the business. "I realized I really liked it," Day said. "The working it out, trying to find a solution for the business, trying to save it even if I was selling it."

In the end, the business sold, and nobody took a big hit. However, the trajectory of Day's life also changed as she started working for her attorney and began a new career in bankruptcy law.