March 12, 2009

The 13th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute

This event has already occurred.

Sheryl Wood will moderate a panel "The Five Hard Questions In-House Counsel Need to Ask When Confronted with an Internal Investigation," during the 13th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute at Georgetown University Law Center. Panelists will include:  former DOJ Deputy Attorneys General Larry Thompson (General Counsel, PepsiCo), Jamie Gorelick, Mark Filip and Paul McNulty; and former DOJ Inspector General Michael Bromwich.

The panelists will focus their discussion on the following critical questions:

  • Does the company really need an independent investigation?
  • Who oversees the investigation?
  • Who needs/gets a lawyer?
  • What should be disclosed, if anything?
  • What can in-house counsel learn from the KPMG litigation and the DOJ’s new policy?

This panel will take place on Thursday, March 12, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm.