September 15, 2009 - 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET

Managing Risk with Counterparties Facing Financial Difficulties: Practical Strategies for Nonprofits

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Association of Corporate Counsel's Nonprofit Organizations Committee

Program description:

From hotels to software and web developers to consultants to online service providers to joint venture partners, nonprofits frequently rely heavily on contractual relationships with other companies and organizations to carry out their missions. Yet in this economic climate, your partners in these relationships may be facing greater financial challenges than ever, with dramatic potential adverse consequences for your organization. What can you do preemptively to control these risks? What can you do once you find yourself in the thick of a struggling partner? This timely webcast – led by some of the Venable law firm’s leaders in this area – is one you cannot afford to miss.


Scott Drumheller, General Counsel & Secretary, Lions Clubs International – Moderator

Larry Katz, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP

Moxi Upadhyaya, Esq., Attorney, Venable LLP

For more information and to register, please visit ACC's site.