This program is hosted by Lorman Education Services.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration plans to get tough on workplace safety enforcement. OSHA has received more than $50 million in additional funding, plans to hire between 130 and 160 new inspectors, has suspended certain voluntary compliance programs in order to free up resources for enforcement efforts, and has introduced a new program, the Severe Violators Inspection Program, designed to ensure that recalcitrant employers OSHA views as not meeting their obligations under the OSH Act are targeted for additional enforcement actions. One of the key components of OSHA's strategy for identifying workplaces to be inspected and an item reviewed in virtually every inspection conducted, is injury and illness recordkeeping. This teleconference is designed to familiarize you with the requirements of OSHA's rules on recordkeeping and reporting for occupational injuries and illnesses to enable you to avoid becoming an inspection target and the subject of easy, potentially costly, citations.
- The Purpose (and Use) of OSHA's Rule
- The Organization of OSHA's Rule
- The Scope of OSHA's Rule
- Understanding OSHA's Recording Criteria and Forms
- Specific Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Requirements
- Reporting Fatalities, Injuries and Illnesses to OSHA
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