12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST (9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PST)
This webinar has already occurred. If you missed it, please see the helpful information below. Also, an audio recording of the webinar is available here.
Whether you are a small, mid-sized, or large employer that provides health insurance for your employees, the new health care reform legislation brings in sweeping changes and presents numerous questions for you and your organization. Venable is able to discuss how to proactively prepare for the challenges and opportunities that these changes pose.
For your reference, we have compiled a timeline of action items to address the issues that the health care reform legislation raises regarding employee health plans. To access that document, please click here. To subscribe to our newsletters and alerts, please click here.
We look forward to seeing you at future Venable events.
This week's historic health reform legislation has created a new world for employers and the health plans that they sponsor for their employees. Questions abound, including:
- Will your company be subject to the "pay or play" employer mandates and essential benefit packages?
- How and when will your plans need to be redesigned in order to extend dependent coverage to age 26, eliminate pre-existing conditions and lifetime limits, and impose a dollar cap on your medical flex account benefits?
- How will changes to the Medicare drug "donut hole" and retiree drug subsidy affect you?
- Will your plan be considered a "Cadillac" plan subject to excise taxes?
- Should you grandfather your plan from these obligations?
If you are a Benefits Director, HR professional, or in-house counsel, please plan on joining us for a webinar exploring what the new health reform legislation means to you and your company's health plans, and what steps you need to take now.
Featured Venable Speakers:
Meredith Horton, Associate
Thora Johnson, Partner
Andrea O'Brien, Partner
Greg Ossi, Partner
Martha Jo Wagner, Partner