A.J. Zottola, Esq., Venable LLP, Washington, DC
New technology brings new opportunities for nonprofits to leverage new communication devices, systems and networks. However, incorporating new technology into a nonprofit’s operations or its external communication, membership or marketing efforts without first considering the potential legal risks can expose the unwary nonprofit to potential liability. In order to keep from falling into these legal traps, nonprofits must first be aware of them, and then take proactive steps to avoid them. This Legal Quick Hit will review some of the top legal traps that can snare a nonprofit using new today's new technology, as well as what nonprofits can do to help avoid falling into them.
#1 - The Online/Electronic Contract Trap
#2 - The Social Media Trap
#3 - The Trademark Trap
#4 - The New Technology Trap
#5 - The Employee Use Trap
A.J. Zottola is a partner at Venable in the Business and Technology Transaction Groups and focuses his practice on intellectual property, computer, Internet, new media, and technology law.
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