Nonprofit Organizations Committee
Online social media, including social networks, blogs, and wikis, bring new opportunities for nonprofits to communicate their messages and advance their respective missions. However, using online social media without first considering the potential legal risks can expose the unwary nonprofit to potential liability. Although the laws and regulations governing online social media are diverse and still under development, nonprofits should understand the likely and known legal traps that can snare them when using online social media.
This webinar will help nonprofits navigate the legal pitfalls of using online social media by considering the key legal issues and providing guidance that nonprofits can use to minimize the related liability risks. This guidance will address employee guidelines, user agreements, disclaimers, licenses, and other risk allocation strategies. Related topics that also will be discussed include employment issues; defamation, harassment and other accusations of bad behavior; copyright and trademark protection and infringement, including the consideration of fair use; and privacy concerns.
A.J. Zottola, Esq., Venable LLP
Lesley Pate Marlin, Esq., Venable LLP
This event is open to ACC members only. Please visit ACC's website or call 202.293.4103 if interested in membership.