In these tough economic times, work force development is ever so important in order to maintain a level of competitiveness that current markets require. In the next edition of Doing Business 2.0, panelists will take on the topic of Finding Talent and Labor Laws. Panelists will introduce new initiatives that the local government has implemented to assist DC businesses in their hiring needs and to train DC residents for the supply of DC jobs available.
Lisa Mallory, Director of the District Department of Employment Services will go over initiatives such as the One City Hire that was introduced with the new local administration. In addition, attendees will be exposed to all the regulations and laws concerning the governance of employees.
Ms. Mallory will be joined on the panel by Grace Lee from Venable LLP and Rebecca Burtman from Beacon Hill Associates. They will cover respectively the legal aspects that employers need to be aware of and trends of what employers typically look for when recruiting.