June 21 - 22, 2012

"Comprehensive Review of the Pressing Employment Law Issues Facing Independent Schools"

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Venable LLP
575 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004

In this seminar, Venable attorneys Caryn Pass and Heather Broadwater will present on the following topics:

Ties that Bind: Establishing the employment relationship; strategies for creating a legally sound foundation
Effective strategies that schools can use to design hiring procedures, interview and background check policies and other documents including employment agreements, that limit legal liability, protect the safety of students and other employee, while ensuring a productive workforce.

Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Texting & YouTube: Employee behavior and appropriate boundaries in the world of social networking
A review of the potential legal exposure created by an employee's use of school sanctioned and unsanctioned social networking tools and a review of methods for establishing rules and acceptable use policies that limit liability while encouraging the creative use of the medium in the teaching process.

FLSA Boot Camp: Legal compliance in the compensation of employees and granting of leave
The calculation of overtime pay, the best strategies for determining overtime eligibility and options available to schools that ensure compliance with the law while providing creative solutions that allow for flexibility in the scheduling and budgeting for overtime compensation. In addition, the interplay between the family and medical leave, short and long term disability, sick leave and other forms of paid and unpaid leave will be discussed.

Follow the Paper Trail: Encouraging performance improvement while ensuring legally compliant employee departures
The factors to consider prior to terminating an employee and practical suggestions for creating proactive strategies related to counseling, evaluations, handbook policies, disciplinary procedures and the development of written documentation.

Building a Better Employee Handbook: Capturing the new trends and employment challenges
A discussion on the drafting of handbooks, revisions to policies where the law has changed and creation of policies that are generating increased legal exposure including policies related to social media, the use of technology and the method for responding to violations of student/teacher boundaries.

Report Card Time: Conducting an HR audit
A strategic review of the wide range of employment issues that schools face and an outline of a practical, strategic and comprehensive process for evaluating the status of the various elements of the HR function.

For more information or to register, please click here.