October 08, 2013 - 3:00 PM ET

Legal Quick Hit: "Complying (or Deviating) from Donor Intent: Recent Developments for Nonprofits" for the Association of Corporate Counsel's Nonprofit Organizations Committee

This event has already occurred.

In a challenging economy, charitable organizations often are confronted with issues surrounding the need to comply with or deviate from restrictions placed on charitable gifts. These gift restrictions may no longer be practical, circumstances may have changed from the time of the gift, or the charity may need to employ gifts in a different fashion from the original restricted purpose. Compliance with so-called “donor intent” has been the subject of much recent litigation. This Legal Quick Hit will explore recent developments in this area and offer practical guidance for nonprofit counsel in dealing with these issues.

Robert L. Waldman, Esq., Co-Managing Partner, Venable LLP

This event is open to ACC members only. Please visit ACC's website if interested in membership.