Long Beach, CA
Kevin Shepherd, chair of the ABA Task Force on Gatekeeper Regulation and the Profession, presented "Hot to Pot: Money Laundering, Formal Opinion 463, and Legal Marijuana" at the 40th National Conference on Professional Responsibility in Long Beach, CA on May 29, 2014. Kevin joined panelists Paula Frederick, Chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Michael Francisco, Colorado Assistant Solicitor General for the Attorney General, and Dennis Rendleman, Ethics Counsel at the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility.
© 2014 Venable LLP. Using, distributing, possessing, and/or selling marijuana is illegal under existing federal law. Compliance with state law does not guarantee or constitute compliance with federal law. This informational overview is not intended to provide any legal advice or any guidance or assistance in violating federal law.