October 23, 2014 - ET

“The Future of Evidence: Obtaining and Using Documents in a Paperless World” at the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC) 2014 Fall Conference

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Orlando, FL

As counterfeiting is increasingly transacted in a digital environment, what are the best practices for identifying, preserving and presenting evidence in support of enforcement efforts? Civil and criminal standards were considered by a panel of experts who also addressed recent changes in the law that may expedite and simplify data collection efforts.

Andy Coombs, President, J. Andrew Coombs, A P.C.

Maya Markovich, Senior Manager, Product Marketing, MarkMonitor
Michael Godfrey, Special Agent (Retired), U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Marcella Ballard, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP

For more information, please visit the IACC website.