January 28, 2015 - 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET

"Enforcing Money Claims Pre- & Post-Judgment: Turning Your Judgment into an Actual Financial Recovery," for the New York City Bar

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New York City Bar
42 West 44th St
New York, NY 10036

This course examines in detail the process of turning that judgment into an actual financial recovery for your client, and evaluates everything from the logistical issues in turning that judgment into an enforceable document in state and federal court, how to locate and identify the defendants' assets both nationally and internationally, and how to take possession of and sell those assets to satisfy your judgment. The program will also provide tips on how to avoid some of the common mistakes made in trying to turn your judgment into cash.

Matthew T. McLaughlin, Venable LLP

For more information, please visit the New York City Bar website.