November 19, 2015 - 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM ET

"Credibility: Evaluating Allegations and Reporting Requirements for Nonprofit Federal Grantees" at When It Happens to You! Responding Internally/Externally to Fraud & Corruption, an InsideNGO Fraud Symposium

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Cooley LLP
1299 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, #700
Washington, DC 20004

Although we all aim to prevent it, it can happen to any organization. When prepared for and handled properly it can be a learning opportunity and a chance to strengthen controls. When handled improperly it can pose an existential threat to your organization.

InsideNGO is hosting Nov 18-19 in Washington DC a 1 ½ day symposium: When it Happens to You! Responding Internally/Externally to Fraud & Corruption. It’s impossible to completely “fraud-proof” any organization and, given the contexts of NGO work, some say that if it has not happened to you . . . you might not be looking hard enough.

The primary focus will be on detection, investigation, and closure with viewpoints and experiences provided by sector senior leaders, government representatives, legal and audit firm professionals. Topics will touch on all key aspects of handling an instance of fraud, from ensuring you gather all indicators from your global team, to when and how to report to donors through to determining whether and how to blacklist a staff member or contractor after the investigation. This forum will provide a rare opportunity to have frank conversations with peer organizations, hear actual cases and the lessons learned, and collect practical strategies for organizational risk management good practice.

This Is Must-Attend event for Legal, Internal Audit & Compliance, senior Finance and Operations, and Executive Management!

Dismas Locaria, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP
Doreen Martin, Esq., Partner, Venable LLP

Click here to register.