Update: This event has already occurred. Please click above to listen to and view the recorded webinar, click here to view presentation materials from the event, and visit our Venable LLP Nonprofit YouTube channel to listen to and view all of our recorded webinars on nonprofit legal topics.
Knowing when and how to investigate suspected employee misconduct is essential to minimizing your nonprofit’s risk of legal liability and promoting a productive and collegial workplace. When undertaking employee investigations, nonprofit employers need to understand what the law requires, permits, and prohibits, but they also need to understand best practices in this area. Failure to do so can be very dangerous for employers and cause them to miss out on important opportunities. Our panelists regularly counsel clients about employee investigations and have led investigations themselves. In what will be a very lively, engaging and dynamic program, our speakers will use real-life cases to answer questions such as:
- What are critical first steps to take in planning and structuring an internal investigation of suspected employee misconduct?
- What is the standard of proof the law requires?
- When do you need to investigate?
- Who should you interview, and in what order?
- How do you assess credibility?
- How do you collect and preserve electronically stored information?
- How do you utilize and take advantage of the attorney-client privilege?
- How do you document your investigation to build your defense against potential claims and lawsuits?
Douglas B. Mishkin, Esq., Partner, Labor and Employment Practice, Venable LLP
Alyssa T. Senzel, Esq., Deputy General Counsel and Compliance Officer, Blackboard
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET - Networking Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET - Program/Webinar