Allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace have given rise to a new world of potential risks for dealmakers. Under the rubric of what has become known as the "Weinstein Clause" (a reference to a contractual provision in deal documents allocating risk for allegations of sexual harassment), social due diligence has become a decisive factor in business transactions, particularly in the entertainment, media, and tech sectors. Deal professionals are now being pressed to evaluate a target through a social, ethical, and cultural lens, in addition to the traditional financial, operational, and legal considerations, and a premium is now being placed on understanding how issues related to workplace harassment, misconduct, and gender equality can impact the valuation and execution of a deal.
Following a fireside chat on gender issues and workplace culture from an M&A perspective, a panel of company leaders, dealmakers, and innovators will share their insights on company culture and the current state of deal-making in the #metoo era. The program and discussion are geared toward professionals identifying, negotiating, and executing deals, including members of the C-suite, board members, VC, PE, or family office investors, and legal counsel and other deal advisors.
Our panel of experts will address these and other questions:
- How important is workplace culture to business performance?
- How do you evaluate a company's culture from the acquirer's and seller's perspectives? Can technology play a role?
- How critical is the role of workplace culture in the success or failure of a deal?
- What issues in the workplace are being regarded by acquirers and investors as critical to the success of a given deal?
- To what extent are buyers and sellers in the entertainment, media, and technology space utilizing the "Weinstein Clause"?
To view the agenda, please click here.
- Registration and Networking 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. ET
- Program 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET
- Networking Reception 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. ET
- Nabila Ahmed, M&A Reporter, Bloomberg News
- Gregory Bedrosian, Managing Partner and CEO, Drake Star Partners
- Rebekah Dopp, Global Partnerships, Founder of Exponent (Google's Gender Equality Incubator), Google
- Alan Epstein, Partner and Chair, Entertainment and Media Group, Venable LLP
- Kieron Faller, Co-Founder and CEO, Workio
- Cristy Irvin Phillips, Deputy General Counsel and Head of Litigation, 1/0 Capital LLC
- Ted Oberwager, Director, KKR
- Mark S. Vecchio, Partner, Corporate Group, Venable LLP