8:30-8:55 a.m., Check in and Breakfast
Enjoy coffee and pastries while you network with your fellow industry professionals.
8:55-9:00 a.m., Introduction and Opening Remarks
- Rebecca Pearson, Partner, Venable, LLP
- Allison Geewax, Associate, Asmar, Schor & McKenna, PLLC
9:00-9:40 a.m., Claims: Where Do They Come From?
An introduction to the pre-litigation claims process, from the perspectives of both industry and the government, including uncovering differing site conditions, documenting changes, giving proper notice of potential claims, the duty to continue performance during potential disputes, and the decision to submit a request for equitable adjustment (REA).
- Darryl Scott, Commissioner, Section 809 Panel, Former Deputy Commander at the Defense Business Transformation Agency/ Task Force for Business Stability Operations, Former Director at Defense Contract Management Agency
- David Edelstein, Partner, Asmar, Schor & McKenna PLLC
- Allison Geewax, Associate, Asmar, Schor & McKenna PLLC
9:40-10:20 a.m., Procedural Nuts & Bolts: When, Where, How?
A comprehensive overview of when to file a claim, where to file, and how. This panel will discuss the difference between an REA and a claim, the role of the contracting officer in deciding the claim, the different forums in which a contractor can appeal a contracting officer’s final decision, the potential advantages and disadvantages of each forum, and other procedural considerations and traps for parties appearing before the various forums.
- Emily Unnasch, Associate, Venable LLP
10 Minute Networking Break
10:30-11:10 a.m., Alternative Dispute Resolution: Saving Time and Money
An in-depth discussion of the various alternative dispute resolution mechanisms available to litigants, including mediation, arbitration, or “mini-trial,” as well as when such mechanisms are recommended or even required by statute, regulation, or judge order. Panelists include those who have served as the deciding or mediating neutral party, and those who have participated in dispute resolution processes.
- Judge Scott Maravilla
- Judge Maria Sullivan (Invited)
- Judge Kathleen O'Rourke (Invited)
11:10-11:50 a.m., Government Claims: When Should a Contractor Worry?
What contractual and regulatory rights do agencies have against poorly performing contractors? This panel will discuss contractual administration issues, fraud considerations, and potential consequences for the contractor, including poor CPARS ratings, suspension, and debarment.
- Rebecca Pearson, Partner, Venable LLP
- David Robbins, Partner, Crowell & Moring
- Maria Swaby, Suspension and Debarment Official, General Services Administration