On Thursday, November 7, Tyler Welti will co-instruct an Advanced NEPA Workshop at Venable's San Francisco office in concert with the National Association of Environmental Professionals.
This workshop is intended to provide participants with practical tips and tools about how to refine preparation and review of environmental documents prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), in light of guidance related to “One Federal Decision,” and 2018 cases. This eight-hour intensive workshop will focus on training environmental professionals related to tips and tools to assist practitioners in implementing “One Federal Decision” and refining their practice related to recent cases, including project management, Purpose and Need Statements; using available data and modeling to characterize baseline conditions; decisions related to segmentation; and direct, indirect, and cumulative impact analysis.
The target audience for this workshop would include experienced NEPA planners, managers, decision-makers, environmental engineers/scientists/ specialists, consultants, regulators, applicants and attorneys who require an in-depth understanding of NEPA law, policy, and project management within their area of environmental expertise, especially those who serve on NEPA interdisciplinary teams, work with NEPA planners, or those who review/edit NEPA documents. This workshop will also benefit those professionals who work in related natural resource disciplines who work with federal land management or real estate transactions, federal agency projects or permitting, and transportation or other infrastructure projects with a NEPA review component.
Eligible for 3.5 CM | 1.5 Legal | 1.5 Ethics