July 17, 2024 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET


Judicial Challenges to Agency Action

The Changing Landscape for Nonprofits in a Post-Chevron World

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Eaton Hotel
1201 K St NW
Washington, DC 20005

Venable partner Ron Jacobs will present “Judicial Challenges to Agency Action: The Changing Landscape for Nonprofits in a Post-Chevron World” at the ACC NCR 2024 Nonprofit Conference on July 17 in Washington, DC.

For nearly the past 40 years, agency decisions interpreting statutes have been given deference by the courts under Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. This has meant an uphill climb for nonprofits that want to challenge an agency’s action as arbitrary and capricious. On the other hand, it has also meant that if an agency reaches a decision that a nonprofit favors, that decision has a better chance of being affirmed if it is challenged in court. The Supreme Court is currently considering two cases that many be the end of the Chevron deference. Join us as we discuss the Chevron case and the impact of the Supreme Court pulling back on its framework in recent years.

For more information, please click here.