July 1999

Workplace Labor Update - Cook's Cupboard- Hang in There! – July 1999

1 min

It's a rare person who doesn't get discouraged once in a while. The value of courage and perseverance seldom have been illustrated more convincingly than in the heroic life story of this man. His age appears in the column on the right:

Failed in business 22 Ran for State Legislature – defeated 23 Again failed in business 24 Elected to State Legislature 25 Sweetheart died 26 Had a nervous breakdown 27 Defeated for State Speaker 29 Defeated for State Elector 31 Defeated for Congressional House of Delegates 34 Elected to Congressional House of Delegates 37 Defeated for Congressional House of Delegates 39 Defeated for U.S. Senate 46 Defeated for Vice President of U.S 47 Defeated for U.S. Senate 49 Elected President of the United States 51 That's the career record of Abraham Lincoln.