BALTIMORE, MD (5/26/05)—Venable LLP received the 8th annual “Pacesetter Award” from the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau's Equal Justice Council for its support and leadership to strengthen the Bureau’s delivery of legal services to Maryland’s indigent.
“Through their time, energy, consulting and commitment, Venable lawyers have helped level the field of justice and set the standard for serving Maryland’s poor,” said Legal Aid Bureau’s Executive Director, Wilhelm H. Joseph Jr.
The Legal Aid Bureau has been providing free civil legal services in Maryland since 1911 for low-income people meeting eligibility guidelines. The Bureau is the only statewide legal services program in Maryland handling a full range of case types and services.
“Working with the Legal Aid Bureau allows us to champion the causes of individuals and entities that need legal help they could never afford. It is a tangible way to give something back to Maryland’s communities,” said Venable partner Mitchell Mirviss, who accepted the award on behalf of Venable at a ceremony at Camden Yards on Wednesday, May 25.
Venable has been performing pro bono services in the community for more than a century. Those services include, but are not limited to, representing the disadvantaged in a wide range of poverty law issues, death penalty and civil rights cases.
Last year, Venable attorneys devoted more than 18,000 hours to pro bono services in the community, or the equivalent of $5.6 million including out-of-pocket fees for its pro bono clients.
One of the American Lawyer’s top 100 law firms, Venable LLP has attorneys practicing in all areas of corporate and business law, complex litigation, intellectual property and government affairs. Venable serves corporate, institutional, governmental, nonprofit and individual clients throughout the U.S. and around the world from its headquarters in Washington, D.C. and offices in California, Maryland, New York and Virginia. For more, visit