The November 7, 2008 edition of the East Bay Business Times featured an article on labor policy changes expected under Obama's presidency. According to the article, Mr. Obama was well-supported by labor unions during the election and backs the Employee Free Choice Act, which eliminates the free ballot in union elections, requires binding arbitration after failed contract negotiation and increases penalties for companies that violate employees rights.
"I expect [the Employee Free Choice Act] to be top of the labor unions' agenda, meaning that it will be at the top of Obama's agenda," said Maurice Baskin, chairman of the Labor and Employment Practice Group and a partner in the D.C. office of Venable. "If any part of the…act goes through as it's currently written, it will be very bad news for employers."
Baskin said he expects unions to push for passage of the act early in Obama's administration. Unions waited to push during the Clinton administration and didn't get their priorities advocated before Clinton lost his Democratic majority in Congress.