Venable partner Tom Quinn was quoted in a June 28, 2013 Politico article on the increasing number of older lobbyists and their prominent roles in senior positions at trade associations, corporations, lobby shops and law firms. According to industry insiders, the number of older lobbyists can be attributed to several factors including people in general working longer, companies mandatory retirement ages, and a flexible working environment.
“I’m probably at the top of my game. Business is good. My judgment is better,” said Quinn, who started lobbying in 1967. Quinn said some lobbyists have always had longevity pointing to his mentor, Thomas Corcoran, who was “still going strong” at 80. He also noted the importance of having a mix of ages and levels in firms. “I think it’s almost like any other business. There are some people who really enjoy the game. Some who have to work and some others who would rather play golf,” Quinn added. “There’s a lot of senior guys in town who really enjoy having their hand in the game. You can put as much or less time in as you want. Having judgment and relationships — you can’t make that without experience.”
“I’m probably at the top of my game. Business is good. My judgment is better,” said Quinn, who started lobbying in 1967. Quinn said some lobbyists have always had longevity pointing to his mentor, Thomas Corcoran, who was “still going strong” at 80. He also noted the importance of having a mix of ages and levels in firms. “I think it’s almost like any other business. There are some people who really enjoy the game. Some who have to work and some others who would rather play golf,” Quinn added. “There’s a lot of senior guys in town who really enjoy having their hand in the game. You can put as much or less time in as you want. Having judgment and relationships — you can’t make that without experience.”