Federal limits currently cap individual political spending at $123,200.
Venable partner Larry Norton was quoted in a September 24, 2013 Washington Post article on the next Supreme Court battle over campaign donations, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, which some are calling the next Citizens United. At issue are federal limits on individual political spending on behalf of candidates, party committees and political action committees which is capped at $123,200. While the case only targets federal limits, many on both sides believe state caps could disappear or be in jeopardy if the federal limit is lifted. Oral arguments are set for October 8.
“If the federal limit falls, I think the states are likely to fall, too,” Norton said adding that “If the Supreme Court rules against the limits, it will likely do so in a way that affects those state caps.” The Washington Post article linked to a February 25 Political Law Briefing blog post where Norton identified 10 states with state-level spending limits.