Mr. Cooney will become Chair of the Section in August 2017
Washington, DC – August 11, 2015 – Venable LLP is proud to announce that partner John F. Cooney has been elected Vice Chair of the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice of the American Bar Association. Under the Section's By-Laws, after a one-year term, the Vice Chair succeeds to the office of Chair-Elect before succeeding to the office of Chair after a one-year term. Mr. Cooney will become Chair of the Section in August 2017.
As the home for attorneys who work for, interact with, or study government entities, the ABA's Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice seeks to enhance their professional development, and further the vital public interest in effective, efficient, and fair administration at all levels of government. It serves these goals through education, dialogue, publications, and proposals for reform. The Section includes more than 40 committees monitoring and reviewing agency actions, new legislation and case law in areas such as rulemaking, adjudication and judicial review, and more specifically on homeland security, transportation, immigration, energy and environment, freedom of information and the role of the ombudsman. The Section also holds three annual CLE programs featuring in-depth analysis of current law and practice, with insights gleaned from faculty who are leaders in government, academia and private practice.
At Venable, Mr. Cooney focuses his practice on economic regulatory, administrative, and constitutional litigation involving federal agencies at the trial and appellate levels. He previously served as Assistant to the Solicitor General, Department of Justice, and as Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Cooney also served as counsel for OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which reviews agency regulations on behalf of the President, and was involved in policy disputes involving legal interpretation of most major federal regulatory statutes.
Venable LLP is an American Lawyer 100 law firm headquartered in Washington, DC, with offices in California, Delaware, Maryland, New York, and Virginia. Our lawyers and legislative advisors serve the needs of domestic and international clients in all areas of corporate and business law, complex litigation, intellectual property, regulatory, and government affairs.