Venable partner Len Gordon was quoted in a February 24, 2017, article on the benefits of self-regulation in advertising. The Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSRP) is one example of businesses banding together to police themselves and enhance consumer confidence in the electronic retailing industry. While not a government agency, ERSRP holds participating companies accountable to high standards of truth and accuracy in their advertising and reports violations to the Federal Trade Commission.
Commenting on why self-regulation works, Gordon said, "An active industry self-regulatory effort that is overseen by an independent third-party, such as ERSP, has tremendous benefits for both industry and consumer protection law enforcers. For industry, it helps level the playing field so that honest merchants don't lose market share to merchants not following the rules. For law enforcement, an industry's demonstrated commitment to meaningful participation in self-regulation may free up resources to pursue enforcement elsewhere."