Alexander Koff received the Lewis & Clark Award presented by the Business Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association for his Task Force work studying and providing guidance on whether non-U.S. qualified lawyers should be permitted to practice law in Maryland. The award is given to individuals, who, like Lewis and Clark, were sent into uncharted territory to explore new landscapes and forge new paths. Alex serves as Chair of the International Law Committee of the Business Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association.
In April 2015, the Court of Appeals (Maryland's highest court) requested assistance from the Rules Committee on the question of whether non-U.S. qualified lawyers should be permitted to practice law in Maryland. The Rules Committee sought the assistance of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA). The MSBA referred the matter to the International Law Committee of its Business Law Section, which organized a Task Force to study and provide guidance advice on the matter. The Committee prepared a 150+ page report. The report and recommendations of the Task Force were adopted in their entirely by the MSBA Board of Governors at its meeting on November 15, 2016.
On Tuesday, April 18, Alexander Koff and Jeb Cook appeared before the Court of Appeals of Maryland's Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure (the "Rules Committee") to discuss the recommendations of a Task Force Report recommending, among other things, that Maryland should allow foreign lawyers to gain "foreign legal consultant" status within the state.