The Administrative Law Section brings together regulatory litigators in the private sector and government; both administrative practitioners within regulatory agencies and practitioners who appear before them; administrative law judges; and leading academics whose research and writing focus on regulatory issues.
The 5,000 members of the Section collectively have great experience with and deep understanding of the operations of the Administrative State in all its manifestations. The Section’s members focus on the constitutional doctrines governing the authority of all three branches of government in the regulatory field, the development and judicial review of agency rules, and the knotty jurisdictional principles under which the Department of Justice tries to defend agency actions on judicial review, to prevent the courts from reaching the merits of their decisions.
As Chair of the Section, John Cooney will lead the development of the Section’s preeminent educational programs, which seek to provide regulatory lawyers and administrative professionals with cutting-edge analysis of the development of regulatory policy in the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch oversight of the administrative process, and Judicial Branch review of agency actions under the Administrative Procedure Act.
Mr. Cooney’s first project is the organization of the annual Administrative Law Conference, the showpiece annual event of the Section, which will be held in Washington, DC, on October 19-20, 2017. The theme of this year’s conference is the Administrative State under the Trump Administration. The conference will present programs that focus on many regulatory initiatives being undertaken by the new Administration, with special emphasis on the President’s Executive Order that requires rulemaking agencies to amend or revoke two rules for each new rule that an agency issues.