On July 18, 2019, Cindy Lewin was quoted in Bloomberg's Daily Tax Report regarding the IRS's decision to roll back nonprofit disclosure requirements.
According to the article, in July 2018 the IRS removed the requirement for certain tax-exempt organizations to report the names and addresses of contributors on the tax form they send to the agency. Critics of that IRS policy shift, announced in Revenue Procedure 2018-38, remain concerned that it could encourage the flow of dark money into the tax-exempt sector.
Democrats' concerns about dark money—funds from groups that don't publicly disclose donors, often used in reference to political spending—are valid, and IRS budget cuts have exacerbated the issue, said Lewin.
"I do think there's dark money out there," she said. Of the IRS, Lewin said, "I also think they'd be better able to enforce our tax laws if people could stop cutting their budget and their staff."