Andrew Price, recognized by World Trademark Review (WTR) as a Global Leader for 2021, was included among a select number of elite professionals profiled in the WTR Global Leaders publication. According to WTR, those featured in Global Leaders merit special attention owing not only to their expertise and experience in relation to creating, protecting, managing, and enforcing essential brand rights, but also to their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients.
In his profile, Mr. Price discusses Venable’s innovative WellbrandTM naming solution, which leverages trademark-law intelligence to accelerate the process of finding effective brand names. Through this service, Venable can provide already-cleared naming options at key moments in product development, identify workaround options for outside-developed names that do not clear, and provide naming alternatives to resolve disputes quickly. The following is an excerpt from his profile:
Venable recently launched its new tech-inspired naming service called WellbrandTM. Can you tell us more about that?
It has been thrilling to share Venable’s new WellbrandTM service with the world since its launch in early 2021. A first-of-its-kind service, Wellbrand leverages the trademark law know-how of our team to help clients accelerate the process of finding effective, available brand names. Basically, we help clients "get to yes" faster. Drawing on the team’s deep well of trademark intelligence, the service helps to proactively avoid the three main problems that can arise when marketing departments or advertising/branding agencies brainstorm names – namely, that:
- the names are not inherently distinctive;
- they pose a significant risk of USPTO refusal and/or third-party challenge; or
- they have negative connotations (this happens more often than you might expect).
Click here to access Mr. Price’s full profile.