On November 18, 2021, the U.S. News and World Report quoted Allison Day on questions people should ask themselves before applying to law school.
According to the article, experts say it is critical to figure out whether people will be happy working as an attorney before they leap into the profession. The following is an excerpt:
Q: Is there a place for me within the large legal industry?
A: Because there are many kinds of legal jobs and many areas of law, there is room for a variety of people within the legal field, said Day. Shyness can be overcome if an aspiring attorney cultivates his or her public speaking abilities, and someone with the "gift of gab" can excel as a lawyer even if he or she isn't extraordinarily bright. A person who dreams of becoming an attorney can build up self-confidence even if he or she doesn't start out with it. The key is to figure out whether there is an aspect of law that fascinates you, she suggests.