April 20, 2023

Washington Examiner Quotes Justin Pierce on Generative AI and Copyright Law

1 min

On April 20, 2023, Justin Pierce was quoted in the Washington Examiner on how intellectual property law relates to art and text created by artificial intelligence.

According to the article, AI-powered image generators, chatbots, and other applications have exploded in popularity in recent weeks, scraping data from all over the internet to produce texts, images, music, and other forms of media. In training AI models on copyrighted data, though, two particular problems arise. The first is whether copyrighted data can be used to train a bot to generate text or images. The second, conversely, is whether an AI-generated product can be copyrighted.

The courts and regulators are now working out the rules and how they will apply to AI-generated images, text, music, and more. "We're starting to see the first slew of cases being filed, where we're going to get some more definitive answers from various federal courts," Pierce told the Washington Examiner.

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