July 26, Irvine
July 27, Pasadena
The changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure regarding e-discovery become effective on December 1, 2006. Do you know how these changes impacted your current job duties? Changes to Rules 16, 26, 33, 34, 37 and 45 of the FRCP marked the elevation of electronic discovery from a best practice to potential malpractice for those not correctly implementing and applying these changes. Are you up to speed on the logistics involved so you can confidently implement these rule changes into your practice?
This course will not only provide information on the new rules, it will also be a skill-based seminar designed to teach you how to implement these expanded rules into your practice so that you can avoid sanctions! E-discovery and computer forensics as discovery tools and techniques continue to become more common. The changes to the FRCP rules will remove hurdles previously perceived as problems for e-discovery and pave the way for these techniques to become even more frequently used. This seminar will overcome barriers to e-discovery and dispel misunderstandings about how to correctly use this tool. Minimize your risk by joining us for this one day event that will answer your questions and provide information - all in the company of your colleagues who are facing the same challenges that you are in adapting to these changes!