Update: This event has already occurred. Please click here to view the video recording, or click here to download presentation slides.
Every year billions of dollars are paid and received in royalty payments. It does not matter the field you are in, royalties are paid for software, patents, trademarks, copyrights, publicity rights, art, sports, pharmaceuticals, technology transfers, music, films…and the list goes on.
To learn the challenges of royalty underpayment, please join Joshua J. Kaufman, Chair of Venable’s Copyright and Licensing group, Debora R. Stewart, CPA/CFF, Managing Director of Invotex and auditor Anthony Curtis Elliott, CPA as they discuss how you can prevent underpayments and recoup what is owed to you.
Feel free to invite friends and colleagues who may benefit from this invaluable discussion.
To register, please click here.