April 16, 2013 - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

"The FTC's Revised .com Disclosures Guide: What Third Party Advertisers and Lead Generators Need to Know" for Venable and LeadsCouncil

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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued new guidance for digital advertisers and marketers titled “.com Disclosures:  How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising.”  This program, co-hosted by Venable and LeadsCouncil, will focus on one of the most confusing yet important advertising issues confronting digital advertisers:  disclosures.  There are critical distinctions in this area that are important to understand for online and mobile advertisers, and there are a host of valuable design techniques of which every advertiser (and their lawyers) should be aware. 

Leading advertising attorneys, Jonathan Pompan and Ellen Berge, will focus on the FTC's guidance, current enforcement trends by the FTC, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and state Attorneys General, proactive practical tips and suggestions, what to do if the FTC or another enforcement agency comes knocking, advertising campaign design strategies, other legal and regulatory issues that are important to generating a compliant inquiry, and take questions by the audience.

Michael Ferree, LeadsCouncil

Jonathan L. Pompan, Partner, Venable LLP
Ellen T. Berge, Partner, Venable LLP

For more information about this topic, see FTC’s Updated .com Disclosures Guidance.

For more information about Venable’s advertising and marketing practice, click here.