Washington, DC
Kevin Shepherd presented “Looking Back, Looking Forward: IMF Assessments of AML/CFT in the Context of the Financial Action Task Force Standards, Methodology and Practices” at the Center on Law & Globalization in Washington, DC on September 23, 2013.
Kevin’s co-panelists included Paul Askin of the Legal Department of the International Monetary Fund and Ellen Zimiles, Global Investigations and Compliance, Navigant, Inc. The program introduced the synoptic Center Report on the IMF and FATF involvement in AML/CFT assessments in the 3rd and prospectively the 4th rounds and a technical paper that is an extended version of the Center Report.
Kevin’s co-panelists included Paul Askin of the Legal Department of the International Monetary Fund and Ellen Zimiles, Global Investigations and Compliance, Navigant, Inc. The program introduced the synoptic Center Report on the IMF and FATF involvement in AML/CFT assessments in the 3rd and prospectively the 4th rounds and a technical paper that is an extended version of the Center Report.