July 10, 2015 - 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM ET

"Avoiding Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Acts and Practices (UDAAP)‎ Affecting the Student Loan Industry" at the 2015 Education Finance Council Mid-Year Membership Meeting

This event has already occurred.
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Speakers will provide an update on key regulations affecting the student loan industry, including updates on the Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts and Practices (UDAAP). 

Jonathan L. Pompan, Partner & Co-Chair of CFPB Task Force, Venable LLP
Carrie Garber Siegrist, Venable LLP

Please visit the 2015 Education Finance Council Mid-Year Membership Meeting event page for more information.