Update: This event has already occurred. Please click above to listen to and view the recorded webinar, click here to view presentation materials from the event, and visit our Venable LLP Nonprofit YouTube channel to listen to and view all of our recorded webinars on nonprofit legal topics.
Staying current with the insurance issues confronting nonprofit organizations is difficult for even seasoned executives and in-house counsel. Some of the newly emerging risks, such as cyber risk and workplace violence coverage, have become increasingly more difficult to anticipate, much less decide whether and how to insure. Analyzing the major risks facing your organization and whether your current policies of insurance cover those risks is imperative to avoid the risk of loss that could have otherwise been transferred to an insurance company. The panelists, experienced in nonprofits, insurance brokerage, and legal risk, will walk you through the basics of insurance coverage, the importance of understanding risk tolerance within your organization, and discuss some of the tough questions and issues that nonprofits need to face and tackle in the insurance arena, such as:
- What is the corporate orientation toward risk in your organization and how does that influence decision making?
- How much insurance is enough?
- Should your organization have workplace violence coverage, and are you really getting what you think you are?
- How will cyber perils affect you and is there insurance to cover this expensive risk?
- What types of policies should you have? Getting to the bottom of CGL, D&O, and E&O policies, and understanding the differences between them.
- What do you need to know be an effective risk management advocate for your organization?
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET - Networking Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET - Program/Webinar
Lou Novick, Principal, Novick Group
Thomasina E. Poirot, Esq., Associate, Venable LLP