New York's Paid Family Leave Benefits Law (PFL), already billed as the country's strongest paid family leave policy, will change the benefits landscape for many employers. In year one of the PFL, for example, qualifying employees will receive eight weeks of paid leave per work year. That paid leave entitlement will jump to twelve weeks of paid leave by 2021. And the PFL does far more than just provide paid leave. The law also includes notice requirements, wage deduction measures, and reinstatement rights for employees who take leave, among other things. Nearly every employer that employs an employee in New York State will be subject to the new law.
To help your company or organization get ready, Venable employment lawyers will offer tips on complying with the law, responding to employee leave requests, and avoiding costly mistakes when employees take paid leave. Topics covered during the program, which is geared for HR and benefits professionals, general counsel, and business owners, will include:
- Employee eligibility for paid leave
- The reasons for which paid leave may be used
- How paid leave benefits are funded through wage deductions
- The impact of the PFL upon other leave laws, such as the Family Medical Leave Act
- Dos and don'ts for drafting a paid leave policy that complies with the PFL
- Reinstatement rights following a period of paid leave
- Notice and recordkeeping requirements
Nicholas Reiter, Counsel, Venable LLP
Allison Gotfried, Associate, Venable LLP