Venable partners Len Gordon, Reed Freeman, Justin Pierce, William Nordwind, and Allyson Baker will present "Past, Present, and Future Walk into a Bar: What Does the New World Order Look Like in a Post-COVID-19 World, and What Will We Bring with Us from the Past?" at the 2020 ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference on November 12. This year, COVID-19 has created new challenges for businesses in all areas of law. At the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), we've seen 300 warning letters addressing COVID-19 claims alone. Moreover, as the workplace and the marketplace have moved nearly 100% online during the pandemic lockdown, marketplace consolidation in technology has accelerated, and privacy issues have been illuminated more clearly, while non-cash financial technologies and IP have become more important. For this panel, we'll discuss how COVID-19 has changed these areas and others and how it will likely keep changing them. We'll get out our crystal ball and call on one of our best legislative lawyers to look at what's coming next in a post-COVID-19 world.
For more information, click here.