With President Joe Biden and both parties in Congress making infrastructure a major priority, intense attention is focused on whether and how to substantially increase the federal investment in infrastructure. Federal transit and highway programs must be reauthorized by September 30, including attention to the ever greater shortfall in revenues dedicated to the Highway Trust Fund, compared to authorized expenditures. The definition of “infrastructure” on the federal level is being debated, with some arguing it should include such things as hospitals, schools, renewable energy and transmission, broadband, and water treatment and delivery systems. Climate and equity issues are also intertwined with the discussion on infrastructure.
Please join Venable’s multidisciplinary infrastructure team for the first in a series of webinars discussing how the new administration and Congress may ultimately address these issues. With our expansive team of practitioners from our environmental, tax, regulatory, and government affairs practice groups, Venable is ideally situated to provide unique analysis of and perspective on what lies ahead for infrastructure in 2021 and beyond.
Kathryn Floyd, Partner, Venable LLP
The Honorable James Burnley IV, Partner, Venable LLP
Jim Reilly, Senior Policy Advisor, Venable LLP
Yardly Pollas-Kimble, Partner, Venable LLP
Fred Wagner, Partner, Venable LLP