Kyle Robisch published "Fall FAEP Regulatory Update" for the Fall 2017 edition of Florida Beacon. Here is an excerpt:
Halfway through President Trump's first year in office, Administrator Pruitt continues to remake the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and roll back significant chunks of President Obama's regulatory framework. While EPA acted quickly to review signature features of the last administration’s regulatory regime, such as the Clean Power Plan (CPP) and the Waters of the United States Rule (WOTUS Rule), some of the Trump administration's agenda has been slow to come to fruition, partially due to the lack of high level appointees within EPA.
That could be set to change. At the beginning of September, President Trump submitted nominations for three key agency posts: Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation (Bill Wehrum), Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water (David Ross), and General Counsel (Matt Leopold). Of particular note, the President's EPA General Counsel nominee, Matt Leopold, served as general counsel for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection from 2013 to 2015.