President Joseph Biden has nominated Rohit Chopra to serve as the director of the CFPB. Mr. Chopra has served as an FTC commissioner since his appointment in 2018. The nomination marks a return to the CFPB for Mr. Chopra, who previously served as assistant director of the CFPB from the Bureau's founding in 2010 through 2015. While serving as assistant director, he was appointed by the Treasury secretary to serve as the CFPB's first Private Education Loan Ombudsman. We expect that Mr. Chopra's tenure as Bureau director will usher in a more aggressive consumer protection agenda.
Director Kathleen Kraninger resigned from the post effective January 20 at the request of the administration, and Deputy Director Tom Pahl resigned from the CFPB earlier this week.
While Mr. Chopra awaits Senate confirmation, President Biden has appointed Dave Uejio as acting director of the CFPB under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act.
Acting Director Uejio previously served as the CFPB's Chief Strategy Officer and led the CFPB's Office of Strategy in advising the CFPB director and leadership on policy prioritization, risk management, and organization performance. He has served at the CFPB since 2012, and previously worked at the National Institutes of Health as a Special Assistant to the Director.